The connection between children and obesity has become an alarming factor of consideration all over the world.
Faulty eating habits and sedentary lifestyle patterns have led to weight gain by children and obesity has therefore gained alarming dimensions throughout the world.
Besides sedentary lifestyle and faulty eating habits children can also gain weight due to hormonal imbalances in their body.
Obese children may also suffer from a host of health problems like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, bone problems or skin problems.
However, hopefully the link between children and obesity can be broken but it requires sensitive participation of the parents into the life of the children.
If your child has become obese, it is the responsibility of the parent to guide the child to lose the excess weight and return back to a healthy lifestyle.
An important point to know in this matter is that treatment of childhood obesity is only possible by a change in lifestyle and eating habits.
There are no short cut drugs that will help the child to lose weight.
Prescribed drugs will only be needed if the obesity is due to any hormonal imbalance or the child has grown any health complications due to obesity.
Other than that the only way a child can be free of obesity is by indulging in adequate physical exercises and breaking the dependence on junk foods.
An important obesity treatment is to curtail the dependence of children on tv and video games.
The parent should also encourage the children to take part in simple outdoor activities as a part of the obesity treatment plan.
In order to free children from obesity, parents should help the children to grow in self esteem and be free of the overweight condition.
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