So you are in this game now, the game of losing weight. I think that you agree with me that the increasing number of weight loss products like pills, diets, workout courses and others is making people more confused. Many people don't know which method of losing weight is better and if it is taking a weight loss pill which pill? Here in this page I will try to make it as simple as I can for you to finally decide which method you will use to lose fat.
Any good weight loss method should include healthy eating. Many people got it wrong as they think that all they have to do is to eat less. Actually you can eat more and lose weight at the same time, it is about what you eat. Eating healthy foods is the answer in this case.
To get a list of very common healthy foods you can eat just make a search on google. But in general organic fresh food is better that junk food. You can eat slices of a fruit or vegetable before your meal instead of chips. This way you will enjoy the taste slowly and at the same time make a great change in what you put in your mouth.
Fruits and vegetables can work as cleanser to your gut, add vitamins and minerals and they don't contain a lot of calories to add to your body. One more benefit which is the reason why I said that you should eat fruits or vegetables before meals is that they make you feel fuller and prevent you from eating large amounts of high calories containing foods.
Another very important thing that your plan should include is exercise, don't get excited with claims of some people who say that diet only will solve the problem. Although diet can have a great effect but for the best results not only for losing weight but also for your general health improvement you should exercise regularly.
Don't think that you will exercise today and in the next day you will lose 50 pounds, go easy on yourself especially if you didn't exercise for a long time. Start with simple easy exercises like jogging for about 20 to 30 minutes. Once you feel tired take a rest, drink a lot of water and stay safe. Trust me you will improve if you exercised regularly, so don't stress very hard on your muscles from the first time. You can make the first time as a fit test to find out how far you can go, then take it from there slowly and you will improve and be able to do harder exercises.
If you don't have money to buy a gym equipment don't worry you can use things in your home to exercise. For example I used to go up and down the stairs in my house as a cardio exercise, trust me when I tell you that it is very hard and will make you burn a lot of calories. Also you can use a rope to do rope jumping like boxers do. Another very good way to exercise without any equipment is to use your own body as the weight you exercise with, like jumping high like basket ball players, doing crunches or push ups and many other exercises that you can learn from youtube.
So now you know what a good weight loss plan should cover, any plan that tells you what foods you should or shouldn't eat and what exercises to do most probably will be worth a try. Track your progress and always remind yourself why you want to lose so that you stay motivated as much as you can.
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