You've got your brand new Jeep, a group of friends, and a great piece of land to go driving.
That sounds like a recipe for a very good time, but before you take off to have your fun, you should check out this checklist of essential Jeep items for off-roading safely.
Once you have these items packed and secured if your Jeep, you'll know that you'll be ready to take on anything and face any sort of emergency that might happen while you're out in the wilderness.
These items are especially important if you ever go off-roading alone, or with children.
The biggies are drinking water, a first-aid kit, and a fire extinguisher.
If you ever get stuck and need to wait for a rescuer crew-whether that's your buddies or Search and Rescue-you'll be able to survive for much longer and avoid serious illness if you have drinking water.
You should have a few jugs beyond what you would normally bring for a trip.
Also, if there are any accidents or injuries, a first-aid kit and a fire extinguisher can go very far in keep a bad situation from becoming worse.
There are plenty of travel-sized fire extinguishers, and you can make your own first-aid kid with items that you deem necessary.
You should also include a tool kit, spare parts, and a jack.
Fan belts and tires can become damaged, especially on particularly rough terrain.
If your fan belt breaks and you don't have another one, you're going to be screwed until somebody can come and rescue you.
Having a good spare tire and an extra fan belt can make your journey safer and your life much easier.
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