The normal tendency is for anyone to have bitter feelings towards their ex after a break up.
However, there are also those who are nothing but determined to win back their ex after realizing what a huge mistake they've made.
If you are one of these women and if you are willing to do anything to win you ex boyfriend back, here are some helpful tips for you: Do not harass him.
There is no better way to lose your ex back than by harassing him constantly.
Calling and texting him that you want to get back together is a big no-no.
Let him have his time and plan the perfect time when you can finally talk to him.
Analyze the situation.
There's got to be a reason why it didn't work out between the two of you.
Look into what happened closely and learn from that.
Avoid making the same mistakes again and you can only do this if you know your weaknesses.
Talk calmly.
Once you reach the perfect time to talk again, do not forget to talk as calmly as you can.
This may also be the best time to tell him that you want him back and you are willing to work things out, no matter how difficult it may be.
Do not forget to apologize.
You might be at fault for the whole break up.
It is possible that you made a huge mistake that you are sorry for.
Do not hesitate to say that you are sorry.
Hopefully, he will be willing to look past your mistake and give you another chance.
Do not forget the look.
During this time of trying your best to win him back, do not forget about yourself and the way you look.
Using your looks to your advantage can help the situation, especially if he sees how beautiful you are and what he is actually missing.
Make him really miss you.
Make your ex miss you by constantly reminding him of the good days.
You can cook him his favorite dish, just like you used to.
You can even give him a playlist of your favorite songs as a couple or send him notes every now and then.
Make him see you with other guys.
When he sees you with another guy, even if he is just your closest friend or your workmate, there is a chance that he will get jealous.
Do not go out with other guys but make sure it appears as if you are.
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