Category : Auto Parts & Maintenance & Repairs : Cars & Vehicles

Motor Oil Types for SG and SE

The wrong oil can destroy internal engine components, like this burned piston.piston de scooter image by Vetea TOOMARU from Fotolia.comAn engine will quickly self destruct without oil. However, having oil in the engine is not enough. You must have the right oil to assure engine longevity....

How to De-Wax a Boat

You've lovingly waxed your boat before every season, but now it's scratched. The fiberglass needs repair. If you decide to paint the boat, you want to paint the boat, not the wax job on the boat. Before you can repair that scratch or paint the boat, that wax must go. You have to dewax the boat, usin

How to Install a Wheel Cover

Wheel covers protect steel rims of some vehicles and add aesthetic value to the wheels. The covers are typically plastic and very lightweight. They come in a variety of colors and designs. They are often made to look like alloy or some other expensive type of wheel. Installing the covers takes a few