Are you afraid that you are heading for a divorce? If so€¦then stop your divorce and save your marriage. Well T. Dub€¦how do I do that? There are many different ways to turn your marriage around but before that can happen you have to get very truthful with yourself and come to terms with why the subject is on the table in the first place.
The two biggest reasons for divorce are Cheating and Money and another is that you've grown apart. Cheating is the hardest to deal with, for if no other reason, than the feeling of complete betrayal€¦that's a tough one. If it was your partner€¦you have to ask the question. Do I still love him/her enough to forgive and more importantly forget the incident? If the answer is yes than there is still hope for the marriage.
If the answer is no€¦then you should just go ahead and move on, because the worst thing that you can do is try to stop the divorce and save your marriage while still harboring ill feelings about the indiscretion. If it was YOU that's at fault and you're wishing it had never happened and you want to save the marriage then you have to hope your mate is the forgiving kind. You will then have to treat the situation with kid gloves.
First of all you will have to know if your spouse is even open at all to the idea of reconciliation. If so€¦you then will have to take the approach of apology, regret, and humbleness. If you and your husband/wife are still in love with one another you have to find out what caused the affair to occur in the first place. People who love each other don't make it a habit to just jump in bed with someone else without some underlying reason.
It could be anything from a lack of passion between the two of you to one of you being insecure in the marriage. Has one of you been flirting excessively? Flirting is probably the biggest thing that leads to insecurity in your mate. It will make your partner feel inadequate about their looks, their desirability, and more than likely cause depression and lead to a change in behavior.
Now the reason I'm talking to this way is because I've gone through my own personal hell and was able to stop my divorce and save my marriage. I have a friend€¦his name is T. Dub Jackson and he has a program called The Magic of Making Up. This program is THE best I have ever seen and the results are unbelievable. I highly suggest that you give T.Dub's program a shot. All you have to lose is your marriage.
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