Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Make Him Fall in Love - Make Him Dream of You

What should you do to make him fall in love? How can you bring him around to taking things to the next level? How can you convince him that the time is right for commitment? Is there some secret formula that you can follow that can insure success? Realistically, no, there is not.
But we have some great dating advice that will help you to give him a nudge in the right direction.
Follow these tips and see if they help you to make him fall in love.
Tip # 1 is to forget about the pretty face and sexy body theory of how to attract men.
It is true that those things can be a big attraction, but if you really want to make him fall in love, there is more to the story.
In fact, if he is only attracted to you because of your face or body he is a very superficial person and that is not the guy you will want to be with anyway.
Do pay attention to your appearance, though.
If you want to make a guy fall in love and make him commit to you permanently, you need to look your best.
Take a good long look in the mirror and think about what changes you can make in clothing, make up and hair.
Ask a friend for her honest opinion and then take her advice and make those changes.
Male psychology tells us that men (and women) want someone who is attractive.
So do your best in this area.
And then work on the important area.
What is that, you say? It is the real you, your personality.
Remember when your mom would say to just be yourself and you will win friends and be able to attract a boy friend? That is just not true.
You cannot just be yourself, saying and doing whatever comes to mind.
Do these things instead - Smile.
It makes you look like a person that others would want to know better.
It makes people feel good.
Laugh easily and regularly.
Be positive.
Look on the bright side of things and use cheerful sounding words.
Have self respect.
Do not throw yourself at a man.
Retain your dignity and do not give up your own opinions and thoughts just in order to attract a soul mate.
These are the kinds of traits that are very desirable.
They will help you be the kind of person that a man will fall in love with.
These traits can make him fall in love with you.

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