Free Couples Counseling is something that my husband offer to the members or our church and any one in the community that really needs help.
We want to see marriages succeed and by sharing our stories we believe that couples can make it if they implement what we teach.
A free couples counseling tip I would like to share today is in the area of communication.
Boy I tell you I don't care how long you have been married you can never let up or get slack in this area.
A few weeks ago my husband and I had an episode where I was offended by his tone and we really didn't communicate about it for a few days.
When I think about it, it was absolutely ridiculous.
We were at church and I walked by his office and there was this hug trash can, (I am not exaggerating) outside of his door.
His office door is not far from the foyer where guests come in and I am very conscious about first impressions.
So I said, "Who put this big ol' ugly trash can up here?" Lol! Yep that's me.
Well I didn't know my husband had done it and he didn't like my tone and answered me rather abruptly.
I didn't like how he answered me so I decided to speak to him only as necessary.
Notice I said I decided.
My foolishness was a decision.
Well after I had cooled off, I tried to converse with my husband but by now he was frustrated and didn't want to speak to me.
Well this went on for about 2 1/2 days.
We answered one another with just one word answers.
Crazy right? I will answer for you.
YEP! Lol.
Well anyway, I called him on day 2 1/2 and our conversation didn't go well.
He was still heated and so was I.
When we finally settled down later that evening, we were able to get to the bottom of the situation.
He didn't like the way I addressed him and I didn't like the way he just does things without consulting me.
I explained to him that I am his partner and somethings I feel as though I am just a side kick.
Petty? Maybe but it was my truth and I needed to communicate that to him.
He explained to me that he didn't like my tone.
The bottom line was he felt that I disrespected him.
We both apologized, Acknowledged one another's feelings and worked to make sure that both of our issues were addressed and we discussed ways to make sure there was mutual respect, appreciation, and proper communication.
So to recap: Here is what you can learn from this episode: 1.
Communicate how you really feel.
Don't wait so long to share what's really going on.
Watch your tone.
It can take you down a road you don't want to travel 4.
Mutual respect is always an ingredient that never loses its flavor.
Here's to a better relationship with you and your spouse.
For more information and free couples counseling and tips get your copy of Make It Last Forever- How to Get Married & Stay Married! Visit the resource box below.
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