He or she will need to lead from the front and inspire trust in his clients, referrals and employees.
In order to build trust, you'll lead need to be self confident which is imperative in every phase of our lives.
However, many people lack the essential quality of self confidence in them.
Dimensions of Confidence: Competence and character are the two dimensions which give birth to confidence.
Your intent with people, your motive and integrity forms your character, whereas your skills, track record and capability form competence.
These two dimensions are very important in building confidence.
Since there is an increased focus on moral values in our society, the character of trust is swiftly becoming very important.
However, competence cannot be ignored as well.
For example, a person who is very honest and sincere cannot be trusted to produce results.
The same thing holds true the other way round where hard working and capable people cannot be trusted if he or she is dishonest and insincere.
Hence, it takes a leader to possess both these dimensions in building trust which is a very important ingredient for success with a home business opportunity.
Building Trust In Economic Terms: A true leader will build his business based on trust.
Any business with low trust cannot survive for a long time.
Building the trust with the customers is in fact the primary job of a leader who runs the business.
He can make it happen only by making his objectives clear and by creating a win-win situation with the customers.
Honesty and trust is the basic essence of any home based business.
The right transformation begins with building the trust at the individual level.
Your own credibility is the foundation of trust, this differentiates leaders from impersonators.
When a person's reputation and credibility are soaring, the profitability of any business goes up because people start trusting in it.
Few Behaviors of Trustworthy Leaders:
- Create Clarity
- Deliver Results
- Display Respect
- Extend Faith
- Illustrate Loyalty
- Keep Commitments
- Make Clear Anticipation
- Observe Accountability
- Pay Attention To Others people's Views
- Right Thinking
- Straight Talking
- Accepting and facing Reality
It supports and influences the value in every communication, every relationship, every effort and every home business opportunity we engage in.
It modifies the value of every moment and changes the outcome of every future moment of our lives, both professionally and personally.