Home & Garden Pest Control

Mole Removal, Chemical Free is the Way to Be!

Mole Damage is an extraordinarily disruptive issue that often interferes with enjoying the beauty of your yard in spring and summer.
We spend all winter of gray, dead surroundings just waiting for the new, green beginnings of spring.
But then, just as it arrives, all you can think about is the frustration of all of the mole holes, tunnels and hills that dominate your soil.
This is always the biggest disappointment of the new season.
But, what is it that a typical homeowner can do? The truth is, there are some things that can help improve your situation.
However, be sure that you really want to go through all of the steps to help reduce your home's mole damage.
If you are the kind of project-facilitator who starts something and then moves on to the next project before the previous one is complete, you may just want to become good friends with your mole friends.
On the other hand, if you are committed to reducing your mole issues...
listen up! The truth is, moles are wild animals and are very difficult to control.
However, the whole trick is, moles are in your yard because it's the best place for them to have a great chance for survival! Meaning, if your neighbor's yard is a better place for them to survive, that's where they will be.
Therefore, that should be your goal! Have less attractive soil than your neighbor.
This means: oStop Using Harsh Fertilizer! oStop Using Harsh Pesticides! oStop Using Harsh Herbicides! You may notice that the lawns that are the least green and (Chemicaled Up) are typically the lawns that are the least attractive to moles.
You see, there is very little difference between our soil and our oceans.
And we all realize that if we poison our oceans and lakes, it will completely throw off the biology of our waters and then, only the strongest predators will survive.
This is much the same with your soil.
And adding more chemicals is taking you in the opposite direction! Instead, Mulch! Using natural compost and organic matter to fertilize your lawn is a very key component to rebuilding the biology in your yard and getting rid of the powerful predator-the Mole! Next, you can have better success by keeping your grass higher.
If fact, doing both of these will allow your root system to develop and grow deeper.
Moles hate deep root systems and will gladly move on to the next yard for easier hunting.
And don't underestimate the power of Fido! The presence of dogs is felt by the mole and is treated as a threat! You will want the dog to be outside 24/7 or else the mole will just burrow down and wait for the danger to pass.
The plain fact is, there are few ways for a homeowner to actually remove these pests by yourself.
If you are determined, Please use the techniques above and Not Poisons, Traps or Gimmicks.
If you are in the St.
Louis Area, we are specialists at long-term Mole Removal and are happy to assist.
If not, being chemical free is the key to long-term mole free success!

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