Home & Garden Pest Control

Who is at Risk of Cockroach Allergens

Cockroaches, those unpleasant and unsightly pests, are not just a problem to look at. They also produce substances, or allergens, that aggravate asthma and cause allergic reactions in people who are sensitive to those substances. The allergens produced by cockroaches are likely concentrated in their fecal matter and in fragments of their body parts. These tiny particles can become airborne and contaminate the air in your home. 

Cockroach allergens behave like dust mite allergens and stick to heavier particles that quickly settle. These allergens do not remain airborne for long. Activities like vacuuming may stir up allergens that have settled in dust or fabrics. The most common way to inhale cockroach allergen is to breathe in dust or allergens that have collected in pillows, bedding or other dust-trapping fabrics.

Not only do cockroach allergens trigger asthma and allergies, researchers are exploring evidence that early exposure to cockroach allergen can actually cause asthma to develop in preschool aged children. Inhaling particles from cockroaches can cause coughing and wheezing in babies less than 12 months of age

Cockroaches don't need to be present for there to be cockroach allergen in your home. One in five homes with no history of cockroach infestation has a significant level of allergen in dust and fabrics.

Allergen concentrations are generally highest in kitchen areas where there is plenty of food and water to support cockroach infestations.  However, bedroom allergen concentrations may be more relevant. People spend significant time in close contact with their pillow, where they can inhale the allergens that have settled into bedding.

Socioeconomically disadvantaged people are more likely to be exposed and allergic to cockroach allergens, whether they live in a city or rural area.

How Can Cockroach Allergens Be Eliminated?

  • Eliminate or prevent infestation. Keep your home clean. If you have a cockroach problem, contact a professional chemical exterminator. Keep food scraps off the floor. Be sure to clean under large kitchen furniture (including the stove and refrigerator) where food might get trapped.
  • Reduce humidity. Damp indoor spaces foster the growth of cockroaches and other pests.
  • Target the places where cockroach allergens can collect. Common problem spots are beds, carpet, furnishings and clothing. Encase mattresses and pillows and wash bedding with hot water once a week. Remove unnecessary fabrics like curtains and upholstered furniture.

For more healthy control and related information, check out the links below:

cockroach control auckland, pest controller auckland

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