Home & Garden Pest Control

Different Types of Bird Deterrents

Of the many issues homeowners face one of the biggest problems is pests.
Although homeowners are plagued with different pests like squirrels rats and mice, birds pose a entirely different problem.
While some birds don't pose much of a problem, others definitely do.
Birds like pages and other doves cause lots of trouble because they make a whole bunch of noise and poop all over the place.
Other birds such as crows and sparrows do the same thing although they tend not to make such a mess.
Fortunately there are some great products out there that can help us to keep these pesky birds at bay.
One of the best things you can do is get yourself some bird spikes.
Although these work great in some situations, they don't work everywhere.
They tend to work best for covering small areas such as window sills and balcony ledges.
If you are trying to keep birds off your lawn or entire rooftop, bird spikes probably aren't the best solution.
For larger areas like gardens and trees you're better off trying to scare the birds away.
One of the best ways to do this is to get some bird ribbon.
This ribbon is just highly reflective tape.
It works because birds are naturally afraid of seeing the reflecting light.
Many people have great results by wrapping this ribbon around trees like apple or cherry.
Some people have problems with different types of birds altogether.
Larger birds like ducks and geese cause lots of headaches as well.
These birds are best taken care of by trying to scare them.
You can get yourself a modern-day scarecrow it looks like a coyote or Fox.
The idea is that when a duck or goose sees this predator, it knows instantly it should keep away.
All you need to do is set one up in your garden or lawn and you should have an effective deterrent.
The good thing about these scarecrows is that they keep other animals away as well.
Squirrels, rats, and other critters are all afraid of them.
The important thing to remember, is that no matter how small or large an area you are working with, there is a effective solution to the problem.
Whether it is bird spikes, fake predators, or any other method, your ultimate goal is to get rid of the birds.
Getting bird spikes for your balcony is the easiest solution for many homeowners.
For others it is purchasing a fake fox or coyote.
Either way you will effectively rid your home or garden of these little pests.

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