What exactly is juice fast plan? A juice fast is when you only drink fresh low carb vegetables and fruit juices and you do not consume any food. A juice fast typically lasts one to three days.
An individual just beginning a juice fast for the first time should stick to a one a day juice fast and gradually work up to two or three days. Any amount of time over three days should be done with your doctor's guidance.
Juice fasting is similar to house cleaning. Just like you clean a spring clean a home, our bodies need the same type of seasonal cleaning. Juice fasting cleanses our bodies of toxins and chemicals that have built up over time. Fruits and vegetables are packed with vitamins, nutrients, and minerals that fight cancer, heart disease, strokes, and many other diseases.
Eight ounces of carrot juice provides enough carotenoids to equal about one and one-half pounds of carrots. There's no way that you could sit down and eat that many carrots. Juicing is simple and it is a vital way to quickly get the nutrients into the body. One a glass of fresh vegetable juice has gone into the body; it is quickly absorbed and digested.
Fresh juices are full of enzymes. Juices are vegetables that have not been cooked, so they are filled with all the live nutrients and enzymes the body needs. A raw diet is packed with vitamins and minerals and is life to the body.
It is important to pick a day to juice fast when you are able to relax and rest at home. Your body needs to conserve energy and take a break from all the normal daily activity. During a juice fast, it's also important to relax your emotions and your mind. The day before the fast, it is wise to eat only fresh fruits and vegetables. This helps prepare the body for the juice fast.
Be patient with the process, especially during the first weekend. Try to remember that something good is happening and don't sabotage it by taking drugs or cheating on the diet. However, don't expect the colorful nutrient-rich juice flowing from your commercial juicer to magically melt away the pounds on its own.
You may think that eating would make you feel better, but that's only because it would stop you from detoxing, not because you're suffering from the lack of food. Drink lots of water, and instead of taking aspirin, take naps.
Keep drinking water. Just because you're on a juice fast plan doesn't mean you're hydrated. The body distinguishes pure water differently from liquid food. Remember, all food is liquid by the time it reaches the digestive system. Water has its own important uses, and when you're detoxing, it's especially important.
Maintain a healthy routine. Get plenty of sleep and light exercise. You may not want to engage in rigorous activity now, but you should have plenty of energy for an hour's walk a day, which will help keep your mood and metabolism up.
Break your Juice Fast Plan gently. Start with fruits and vegetables and gradually add rice and simple proteins. Avoid complex carbohydrates and meats for at least three days. Let your stomach rather than your eyes tell you how much it wants.