Mind tricks are the easiest to play especially if you have a manipulative personality.
In which case, you will be able to twist certain events to go into your favor in terms of getting your ex back.
Here are a few mind tricks to use if you want to get your ex back when it seems hopeless.
These tricks will require all your energy.
First, you can play the pity card.
You can subtly ask him for help always to be able to spend more time with him.
In this way, you can make him realize that you need him in your life in a constant manner.
This is effective if you have friendship as your foundation.
If not, this plan will surely backfire and blowing in your face.
Secondly, you can befriend the present partner as stated in an earlier article.
This way you can find a loophole in the relationship that you can use to your advantage.
This is a bit shady for a person who has a solid set of values but if you are desperate enough you can definitely do this as a last resort to get your ex back.
As a third tip, you can use emotional blackmail as a tool to get your ex back.
You can exploit your weakness in front of him so that he will feel guilty if he leaves you.
However, be forewarned that this kind of trickery has side effects not only for you but for your ex as well.
You should be careful in doing this kind of thing to your ex especially.
Lastly, you can just move on and hope that he realizes that he loves you more than the present.
If this happens, he will definitely come back to you in his own terms and time.
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