When it comes to a couple getting divorced they should try not to focus on what was the reason for their marriage coming to an end.
Instead what they should be attempting to is get on with their lives and focus on how to make the best out of what is a bad situation.
For those couples who have children together this is even more important to ensure that they do not have to deal with the consequences of divorce too much.
In this article we offer some tips for protecting the children when you and your partner opt to divorce.
Tip 1 - You should at all times not speak out against your partner when around your children.
It is important however that should they ask you any questions about the reason why you and your partner have separated you are honest with them.
By doing this you will help them to realize that the fault is not down to them as many children especially young ones will believe.
Tip 2 - It is important that throughout the divorce proceedings you reassure them that you won't be out of their lives completely.
Therefore when you arrange to see them on certain days make sure that you keep to these arrangements.
It is also a good idea to make sure that your new home is a place that they feel comfortable visiting.
So it is sensible to arrange with their mother to take a few of their personal possessions to your new home with you.
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