Breakups are tough anytime of year. During the Valentine's season when couples seem to come up out of the woodworks, a breakup can be even more devastating to someone who didn't want the breakup or didn't see it coming at all. You might not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel from where you sit. But, it is possible to survive Valentine's day after a breakup. Here's what you need to do.
Celebrate with Single Friends
This isn't the time of year when you want to head to all the usual date hot spots where couples are likely to congregate. Forget the day. It's become an entire month-long celebration in some circles.
Stick with friends who aren't attached to significant others at the moment. Plan a backyard barbecue – yes even in winter. Go for an action movie marathon. Skip the romantic comedies and "chick flicks" they'll only make you focus on your lack of a love life for the moment.
Find a Cause Worthy of Your Time and Attention
Volunteering is always a great idea. That is especially the case when you're heart is hurting. There is nothing like a good cause to fill your heart and help you find the healing you need. If you choose your cause well you won't find yourself surrounded by happy smiling couples or by miserable people.
The goal is to find a cause that you'll be proud to associate with. Then you'll have much less time to dwell on your own personal misery. More importantly you won't have an excess of time on your hands to think about your ex or your broken heart.
Start Your Campaign to Get Your Ex Back
The best option, by far, for many people in your unfortunate situation is to find a sense of purpose during this time. As hard as it is to find encouragement when everyone in the world seems happy but you; it's the best way to survive the moment.
How can you find that all-important sense of encouragement when things seem so hopeless?
1) Assess the situation. Figure out what went wrong with your relationship. What REALLY went wrong with it? Then, come up with a plan of action to correct the problems – at least what can be corrected on your side of the equation alone.
2) Make the necessary changes. Change really can be a good thing in relationships. You're going to have to figure out how to make the ones that are needed in order to not only get your ex back but also to maintain the relationship for keeps this time around. Don't play for a few extra moments with your ex. Play to win.
Follow a proven path. There are paths you can follow that are highly questionable. They may yield results. In fact, many people are able to get back together with their exes by accident. They are fortunate enough to stumble onto a plan that works.
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