Stopping a breakup sometimes can sometimes seem like stopping an earthquake.
No matter how hard you try, you still might end up with a rocky relationship.
So what can you do? And how can you fix your relationship before it ends? Read this article to discover 5 proven methods to stop a breakup before it happens and save your relationship.
Lesson 1#: Know The Warning Signs Usually every troubled relationship has warning signs.
Some are obvious while others are more subtle and you might not notice them at first.
Things like spending more time apart and talking less could be a sign that there are problems ahead.
This doesn't mean you have to be worried about everything.
However pay attention if your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn't act the same way anymore.
Or they seem less interested in going out and spending time with you.
For example some girls may get more annoyed with their guys.
Some guys might not want to spend as much time with their girlfriends.
Every relationship can have a rough patch now and again.
Just notice if there are any changes and see if they seem to get worse over time.
Lesson 2#: Confront The Problem (Not The Person) If it's a major problem that you have, then talk to your partner.
Confront the problem and find a way you can fix it or at least work on it.
The better you know your boyfriend or girlfriend the better you can resolve any issues that come up.
Lesson 3#: Take A Holiday Every relationship has a rough patch now and again.
Sometimes you just need to spend time apart so you can appreciate each other.
Take a holiday with friends and give your partner time to consider what they have with you.
This might also give you some insights on what what you can to make your partner happy.
Lesson 4#: Pay More Attention To Your Partner This is by far one of the most important skills you can have.
Paying more attention to your boyfriend or girlfriend doesn't mean calling them everyday.
It means paying attention to the little details that they care about.
The same things you don't believe important, may mean the world to your girlfriend or boyfriend.
Lesson 5#: Let Them Fly Away Sometimes the only way to stop a breakup is to have one.
If your partner isn't willing to change, you can't fix the problem or you're really unhappy it's possible that you need to give your boyfriend or girlfriend time to decide what they really want.
By letting them go instead of pushing them away, you give them the choice to come back when they're ready.
Learning these skills you'll be able to have better, longer and more satisfying relationships.
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