The Body of F.
program by Chad Waterbury has been the cause of a great deal of curiousity lately.
I imagine that it's always like this when a fitness professional of Chad Waterbury's caliber releases a new diet and fitness product.
However, I believe that the name of the product itself may be the cause of a some of this curiousity as most people are eager to know what the F.
stand for.
In fact, these 4 letters are the basis of the program and provide great insight into how it actually works.
Let's go over what each of them means: F stands for full body A lot of people advocate working on one muscle group at the time or focusing on only a small part of your body on each workout.
This is not how the Body of Fire program is done.
On each workout, you will train your entire body, focusing on exercises that employ multiple muscle groups.
This allows you to boost the metabolic cost of your workouts, the amount of strain they place on your body and, in so doing, increase the amount of calories that you burn.
This will lead to a faster fat burning.
I also believe in this type of workouts as it maintains a more proper balance between your various muscle groups than focused workouts do.
I Stands for Intensity No one I know ever got good results without working hard for them.
Chad Waterbury seems to have the same experience which is why all the workouts that you do in this program will be intensive.
This is a good thing as it gives you faster results and actually allows you to do shorter workouts.
You will workout fast on this program although you will never forget that correct form is the most important thing for long term health and to reduce risk of injury.
R and E stand for Resistance Exercise While your intensive full body workouts will help you to burn off body fat fast, you also need to workout on your strength and muscle endurance.
This is done by doing resistance exercises.
These exercises will actually make it easier for you to get more results out of each full body workout that you do.
It is vitally important for men and women both to work on their strength as well as to just burn body fat.
Now you know what the F.
stand for and you're ready to burn off body fat.
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