If you're interested in finding out the real results experienced by people following the Medifast diet plan, then this article was written for you.
In particular, we're going to talk about the testimonials on the official site, the results of scientific studies, and whether it's possible for you to have good results with this weight loss plan.
By the time you have finished reading this article, you'll know the truth about Medifast.
Let's start by talking about the testimonials.
On the official medifast site, you will find verifiable accounts of users who have lost anywhere from 30 to 100+ lbs.
Obviously these are incredible results, but they can't be achieved overnight.
However, if you're dedicated to making it work - this is one of the closest to "guaranteed" weight loss methods you will find.
Also, there have been several scientific studies made into the Medifast plan.
They claim that over 15,000 doctors recommend this diet to people who wish to lose weight.
Not only this, they have also been praised by the scientific advisory board for their "medically sound" approach to weight loss.
Something else that is important to know is that they also adapt their menu plan based on the latest clinical research into weight loss and nutrition - so you can rest assured that this is one of the most "optimal" weight loss diets available on the market.
But here's the big question: Can you get the same results as other people have with Medifast? Truthfully, there are no guarantees in any weight loss method.
However, this is one of the most successful plans you'll ever find.
The only drawback is the cost.
But seeing as you won't have to make your usual food shop each week (because they supply everything you need), you shouldn't have to pay too much extra than usual.
Here's the bottom line: If you're serious about losing weight, this is one of the easiest and most effective options you can take.