Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

Calorie Shifting And Why The Calorie Shifting Diet Rocks!

A new and unique diet method that's hitting the United States is called calorie shifting.
Not only is this a diet that's loved by the people that use it, but its also highly revered by doctors and psychologists.
It's actually been used for quite a long time by athletes, but a new spin on it is allowing regular dieters to lose tons of weight now as well.
The reason that this is so popular is because the calorie shifting doesn't provide just short term weight loss.
The calorie shifting is essentially switching up calories from one day to another.
People don't have to go hungry or stop eating, they simply need to change up their calorie intakes.
People also keep the weight off when they use calorie shifting.
See, when people eat low calorie diets, their bodies adhere to low calorie and get used to it.
When people get off the low calorie diets and start eating more, they immediately gain the weight back.
With calorie shifting, though, because the body never adjusted to anything, it won't matter what the dieter eats as long as they eat within reason.
Another important point in this diet is that since people continue to change what they eat, they don't have to get bored, as people often do on other more restrictive diets.
The calorie shifting is much easier to stick to than most other diets, and it's why the diet has a much larger retention rate than many of the other diets.
People actually enjoy calorie shifting.

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