- Natural enemies include other insects, such as the tiny wasp Encarsia formosa, which is a predator that eats white fly nymphs or lays eggs inside the nymph, according to the USDA Appropriate Technology for Rural Areas Information Center. Lacewings, spiders, ground beetles and hover flies are insects that will take care of white flies by devouring them. Mirid and damsel bugs are also natural enemies of this pest. Small birds and some ladybirds eat white flies.
- In order to attract predator insects, plant a natural border of perennial plants around the white fly problem area as a habitat for the predators. As a preventive measure, mosquito netting is useful for protecting plants from infestation. Yellow sticky traps work to attract and detain white flies for removal. White flies are attracted to anything yellow, which is great for the sticky traps, but you should not wear yellow clothing while walking around the insects because you can carry them into other areas of your garden.
- Mix an organic pesticide using nontoxic household ingredients, and spray it onto the underside of leaves infested by white flies. According to Gardener's Path, combine 1 tbsp. dish washing liquid with 1 cup cooking oil. Add 2 tsps. of the mixture to 1 cup of water and spray onto the infected plants every 10 days. Garlic or neem oil can be added to the mixture to prevent white fly nymphs.
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