Gulgulas - Gulgulay - Banana Fritters Indian Style
Gulgulas bring back a flood of happy childhood memories! They were a hot favourite with my brother and I. We would plead with our Mother to make them for us on weekend mornings. It makes me very sentimental then, to think of how much my kids love them and how they badger me to make up a batch for them. Gulgulas are deep fried so I try to exercise at least some moderation with them. However when I make some, they disappear in the blink of an eye and there are ALWAYS requests for "more Mumma more"!Gulgulas are the perfect use for over ripe bananas which would otherwise get tossed in the bin. I actually cling wrap and freeze over ripe bananas for exactly this reason! Who knows when they may come in handy. Try my recipe... make up a batch in your kitchen...
See Also
Badam Barfi
Marzipan Shapes
Til Ke Laddoo