Health & Medical Lose Weight

A Different View on Fat Burning Exercises

I still remember my first attempts at long distance running. My running companion was a Kenneth Cooper fan and he had read most of his books. He was a mad fanatic on the LSD, no not the drug, the Long Slow Distance. He would keep pushing me and pushing me, convinced that the Long Slow Distance was the answer. I learnt to do the long distance run. Years later my daughter built up her long distance running and was good enough to enter a half marathon. In some ways the Long Slow Distance is still with us. While necessary for athletes for the marathon and other long distance events, this is not the ideal exercise for effective fat loss. Developing a program for fat burning exercises is very different to building up athletes for long distance events. However the LSD concept still lingers in gyms where the objective is not just fitness but also fat loss. Many fitness trainers still cling to these older concepts and the distinction between fitness and fat loss is not always understood.

Slow Weight-loss results.
In countless gyms hundreds pound the treadmills, steppers, rowers and stationary bikes most with the aim to burn fat. Workouts lasting a hour or more are held up as the ideal programs for trimming the body by burning fat. The problem for many is that the fat or weight loss is often very slow. One theory is that the long training sessions actually have the opposite effect to what is desired. Long training session do burn calories, but it seems the body also tries to store energy for the next session thus holding on to stored fat. Weight loss is slow. It would appear that long training sessions are not the ideal fat burning exercises.

Who can find the time?
In addition to this our modern lifestyles can make it very difficult to find the time to put in enough sessions a week to achieve the required goals. Long work hours, long commute times, family and household responsibilities make it difficult for many to find time for the gym.

Effective Fat Burning Exercises
Every cell in our body requires energy. However there is one group of cells that burn more energy than any of the others. These are our muscles. For those of you still pounding the exercise machines at your local gym with modest results in fat loss, here is a program that challenges the weight-loss teaching of many gyms and will prove to be a time saver. It aims at raising your Resting Metabolic Rate through a series of high intensity exercises. The series of exercises is a full body work out, suitable for both men and women. Each exercise takes the muscle group to the point where it can do no more. This intense stimulus triggers muscle growth and strength. Your resting metabolic rate is raised for a period of about 70 hours during which time you also burn energy. After the exercise it is important to rest the muscles so that they have time to repair. Each exercise session needs only 15 to 20 minutes twice a week. These fat burning exercises have helped thousands burn fat and trim their bodies. Visit my website below.

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