The relationship with your ex has ended.
You are probably going through emotions usually associated with any break up: sadness, frustration, denial, anger, etc.
These emotions are something that you can't really control.
Let's talk about what you can control.
You can make a decision to either continue feeling depressed or you can do something to get back together with your ex.
The problem that most people come across when trying to give their relationship a fresh start is that they don't have a solid plan of action for getting their ex back and simply rely on trial and error.
You will not make that mistake.
This article discusses 3 methods that will put you on the right to getting back together with your ex.
* In order to successfully implement a plan for getting your ex back, you need to start thinking clearly and logically.
The only way to do this is to take a step back and let the emotions associated with the break up settle down.
Don't put yourself in a situation where you let your emotions cloud your judgment and you do or say something to your ex that you may regret in the future.
This is critical especially if the relationship has ended recently.
* However difficult it may be initially, you need to minimize contact with your ex as much as possible for a while.
Most people ruin their chances of fixing their relationships because they become too anxious to contact their ex immediately after the break up.
If you do this, your ex get will get an impression that you are desperate, clingy and immature.
You need to stop all means of communication including: calling, text-messaging, e-mailing, sending gifts, etc.
Implementing this step correctly will pay off big once it's time to resume contact with your ex.
* Breaking up is a very emotionally draining experience.
Getting back together with your ex can be even more so.
Therefore, you need to remain positive at all times and be prepared to face a few obstacles along the way.
While it's OK to feel down in the dumps initially, you will be fighting a losing battle if you intend on remaining depressed and sad while trying to get back together with your ex.
Projecting a positive attitude towards your ex is essential if you are determined to give your relationship a fresh start.
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