Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Best Ways to Make a Man Fall in Love With You

Thinking about what are the sure shot ways to make a man fall in love with you? Well women nowadays, especially the ones in a relationship long for the moment when the man in their life will truly, madly and deeply fall in love with her.
Relationships like any thing good can be achieved by lot of hard work, trust, loyalty and most importantly love.
Women are more forward when it comes to expressing their love but men as opposed to women have a difficult time in admitting their love.
Sometimes in a relationship it becomes the job of a woman to take the relationship to the next level and make her man not only realize but also admit that he is in love with her.
We are all fans of happy endings and you can be the writer and director of the happy ending of your love story if only you know what exactly you have to do to make your man fall head over heels in love with you.
Here are a few tips which will help you find many ways to make a man fall in love with you: #1 Be a Beautiful Best Friend The first and foremost part of making a man fall in love with you is that never forget that you are a beautiful woman and you have charms that could even make Gods swoon over you.
You are a woman, if you like a man trust me with the right mixture of charm, flirting and friendship you can make the man like you.
As for love you have to work a little harder in that department.
The best way of making a man fall in love with you is to be his best friend.
Believe it or not but a girl is always a better friend to a man than another guy.
Friendship will serve the base for your love.
Many relationships fails because of this very reason that couples are not friends and they hesitate to share things with each other.
Be his best friend but also show him your feminine side.
Be that woman whom he can call his "best girl", be that woman who he consults whenever he is troubled and most importantly be that woman whom he feels proud to take home and introduce to his parents.
#2 Be Interested Well if you want your man to love and respect you then you have to let go of your dominating nature.
At first men will like it and find it sexy but if you are always dominating and ruling over him then he will never find you worthy enough for his love, meaning it can never be a healthy relationship.
If you want a man to fall in love with you then you have to be interested him.
Listen to him, remember what he tells, give him advice nicely if he is troubled and most importantly make eye contact with him while talking.
Even if you are interrupted maintain your eye contact for at least ten seconds, this will interest your man very much and also help to develop the chemistry between you two.
Being interested and being nice is the key to making a man fall in love with you.
We all know that women like to feel special but if you look properly you will realize that men are not that different after all.
They like to feel special too and if you as a woman succeed in doing that then the man is all yours.
#3 Be Exciting Being a sweet and sophisticated "Steppford wife" won't be enough if you don't excite your man.
After all sex is also an important part of a relationship.
If you want to make your man fall in love with you then be "sexciting".
Many women appear to be the ideal wives but their relationships fail because there is no excitement; no sex left in their relationship.
If you want your man to love you then don't just love him but also lust for him.
Believe it or not but attraction plays an important role in making your man fall in love with you.
A man can like you a lot and date you but ultimately if he is not attracted to you, then there is no way he will fall in love with you ever.
So you have to show your sexy side in order to attract your man.
Love making will help you to prove your point.
Be exciting in bed and your job is all done.

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