- 1). Set up your pole and rigging. Since Ulua size can range anywhere from 10 to 20 pounds up to 100 pounds, a wide range of medium to heavy poles are used. Preferably use a 7- to 12-foot heavy pole and a bait casting reel with at least a 50- to 80-lb. test line.
- 2). Slip the line through the steel reinforced leader with a drop sinker.
- 3). Tie a stopper ring onto the main line a foot or two above the leader and weight. Slip a slide-bait buckle onto the main line once the stopper ring is attached. The slide bait buckle will allow you to slide bait down onto the line without having to cast out constantly over the rocky shorelines the Ulua likes to frequent.
- 4). Cast the line out and then attach hook to the slide bait rig. Use a knife to cut up bait fish and then place it on the hook. Common bait fish used as slide baits include oama, opelu, bonefish, halalu and akule. Slide the bait slide rig out onto the main line. Lures are also frequently used to catch Ulua, instead of bait slide rigs. Medium to heavy lures are simply tied to the end of the leader when the rig is being set up.
- 5). When the Ulua strikes the bait, allow a 5-count before setting the hook. Ulua are notorious fighters. Once the hook is set, continue to keep as much slack out of the line as possible. Occasionally let the fish take the line out and then reel it back up until the line is taut again. Allow the fish to tire itself out before finally reeling it in.
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