Marriage needs your all out effort to keep it vibrant and alive for many years.
Couples offering themselves in marriage believe that it is a life-long allegiance.
The awakening of new love brings out all the best in us as we take this journey of marriage with our spouse.
Sometimes, along the way, your flaws and peculiarities and those of your spouse surface and become hard to ignore.
Eventually, you find yourself in marital trouble.
It's time for you and your spouse to seek help to save your marriage you vowed to keep as long as you live.
If you and your husband are willing to find ways to save your marriage, you need to work on the two big C's - Commitment and Communication.
These two important elements should always be present in your marital relationship.
Commit to your marriage no matter what happens and communicate with your spouse often.
Couples must know that relationships don't often run smoothly and seek evidence of progress and development in their marriage in order to feel fulfilled and valued.
In mature marriage, the flaws you see in your relationship don't mean you simply desert your family.
If you have a strong commitment to find help to save your marriage you will stay and stick it out.
Like any relationship, marriage needs work and the lack of commitment or indifference to the needs of your spouse can result to marital woes.
If your work hard on your commitment to each other, you will be able to save your marriage.
The pressures of children, work and family commitments calls for our much-needed attention that we tend to neglect our marriage.
The next C that is needed in marriage is communication.
Communication plays a vital role in marriage.
One of the major reasons that a marriage starts to breakdown is because there is lack or no communication between the couple.
Most of the time, a spouse will find it hard to express their needs to their partner.
By shutting your spouse out of your life by refusing to talk or to listen, you will find your marriage on its way to destruction.
With communication, you are able to share your thoughts and feelings with each other and as you listen to each other you, you are able to spend time thinking about what has been expressed in order to find a solution to your marital problems.
Keeping your emotions to yourself usually leads to resentment and misunderstanding.
Putting more commitment to your marriage and changing the way you communicate will help to save your marriage that is precious to you and your spouse.
Considering these two C's seriously will lead you to a happier married life.
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