Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Curing Candida

To many, Candida is not a word that is familiar.
Better known as a yeast infection, Candida is a common epidemic in today's society.
The main goal of this article is to educate about Candida as well as provide prevention and treatment options for those suffering from this ailment.
Candida is an overgrowth of yeast (C.
Albicans) which can develop when there is an abnormal balance of the bacteria.
It is always recommended to take proper steps in preventing an outbreak of Candida.
It is hard to know just how to prevent something if we are unsure of what causes it in the first place.
Keeping yourself educated on the causes of Candida will make preventing it that much easier.
In the case of skin Candida infections, it is best to keep skin dry, clean and free from cuts.
If you do get a cut make sure to give the skin adequate drying time and do not keep a band-aid on it at all times as the sweat from your skin will keep the area damp and the dark environment under the band-aid presents itself as a breeding ground for Candida skin infections.
In cases of vaginal and mouth (thrush) Candida, it is wise to know what you are dealing with.
The most common cause of vaginal and mouth Candida is the use of Antibiotics.
When we are sick, we are prescribed Antibiotics to combat the infestation of bacteria in our bodies.
Unfortunately, Antibiotics cannot distinguish a good bacteria that keeps Candida under control, from a bad bacteria that makes us sick and naturally destroys them both.
This results in an overgrowth of yeast and a case of Candida.
It is recommended that when on Antibiotics, the patient should supplement the lack of good bacteria in their body by taking Probiotics.
The good bacteria in Probiotics will help combat against the Antibiotic's depletion of them.
Many patients are told to eat a lot of yogurt, which is full of Probiotics to help prevent a case of Candida.
Once there has already been an outbreak of Candida, it will need to be taken care of.
Letting a case of Candida go can cause spreading of the bacteria to others and can cause debilitating long term effects.
For treatment, most drug stores have a wide array of over the counter topical anti-fungal medications as well as oral variations of medication that will treat Candida.
It is always wise to visit a doctor to get a proper diagnosis before going to a drug store and purchasing medicine.
In more severe cases of Candida that do not respond to over the counter treatment, it may require IV medications at a hospital.
In conclusion, it is wise to know exactly what you are dealing with by knowing what Candida is, what causes it and if an outbreak does occur, how to treat it.
Following proper preventative measures, the overgrowth of Candida can easily be kept at bay.

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