- 1). Reset your TomTom GPS receiver. Some TomTom users report occasional difficulty in getting their TomTom navigation device to start or respond to commands. If this happens to you, remedy the problem by performing a soft reset on your TomTom GPS. A soft reset will reset the data on your TomTom GPS receiver without erasing any data. To reset a TomTom GPS receiver, press and hold the "On/Off" button for 15 seconds or until the device restarts.
- 2). Let your TomTom GPS acquire the necessary satellite signals outside. If the device has trouble connecting to the satellite signals necessary for its operation, try an easy fix to the problem. Take your TomTom GPS receiver outside, away from mountains, tall buildings or heavy foliage, where the receiver has a clear view of the sky. Wait for a few moments while the device acquires the necessary satellite signals.
- 3). Install the latest version of TomTom Home on your computer. If your TomTom GPS receiver freezes or begins looping at the starting screen, the TomTom application may not be installed properly. Solve this problem by removing the current Home application and reinstalling the latest Home application. Perform a reset on your device as described in Step 1. Connect your TomTom GPS to your computer using a USB cable. Turn on the GPS. Run the TomTom Home program, then click "Manage My Device." From the Applications menu, click on the appropriate application, then choose "Remove Items From Device." You will be asked if you want to copy the removed file. Choose "Don't Copy." After the application is removed, click "Done" to complete. Download and install the latest version of the TomTom Home application software from the Service section of the TomTom website.
- 4). Change the language settings on your TomTom GPS device. If your TomTom GPS receiver is set to the wrong language, change the current language to the language of your choice. Perform a reset on the device as described in Step 1. When your GPS unit turns back on, tap the button in the lower right corner of the screen to continue. Tap the next screen to access the GPS receiver's main menu. Tap on the wrench icon to access the "Change Preferences" setting screen. Scroll through the "Change Preferences" screens until you see the "Change Language" icon, identified by three flags. Tap the "Change Language" icon and choose your desired language from the list. Depending on which language you chose, you may be asked to choose a new voice for turn-by-turn navigation.
- 5). Check the sound preference settings on your TomTom GPS. If your device is operating without sound, resetting the TomTom GPS as described in Step 1. When the device restarts you should hear the TomTom drum sound. If not, access the "Change Preferences" menu to check if the sound is turned on. If the sound is turned on and still no sound is coming from the device, select "Volume Preferences" from the "Change Preferences" menu and adjust the volume to your liking. If none of these solutions solves the problem, uninstall your current version of TomTom Home and download and install the new version as described in Step 3.
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