Although their May-December marriage was unconventional, volatile, and troubled, Frida Kahlo and Diego Riveraremarried one another after they divorced.
Fast Marriage Facts - Diego and Frida
Met: 1922.
Married: August 21, 1929.
Separated: 1934.
Divorced: 1938.
Second Marriage: December 8, 1940.
Marriage Ended: July 13, 1954 when Frida died.
First Marriage: No. It was Diego's third marriage.
Did You Know?
Their home in San Angel, Mexico had two separate residences connected by a bridge.
Frida Kahlo aka Magdalena Carmen Frieda Kahlo y Calderon: July 6, 1907 in Coyoacán, Mexico.
Diego Rivera aka Diego María Concepción Juan Nepomuceno Estanislao de la Rivera y Barrientos Acosta y Rodríguez: December 8, 1886 in Guanajuato, Mexico.
Frida: The official account of Frida's death is that she died on July 13, 1954 Frida died at the age of 47 from a pulmonary embolism in Coyoacán, Mexico. Many believe she committed suicide by overdosing on painkillers.
Diego: At the age of 71, on November 24, 1957, Diego died of heart failure at his studio in San Angel, Mexico.
When Diego and Frida First Met:
Kahlo and Rivera first met briefly in 1922 when Frida was attending the National Preparatory School in Mexico City. They reconnected in 1928 and began dating.
Diego: “I did not know it then, but Frida had already become the most important fact in my life. And would continue to be up to the moment she died, 27 years later.”
Source: Diego Rivera Prints.
Wedding Date and Marriage Timeline:
1929: First wedding on August 21, 1929.
1933: They built a new home that was two separated residences linked by a bridge.
1934: They separate after Diego has an affair with Frida's sister Cristina.
1937: Frida has an affair with Leon Trotsky.
1938: Rivera and Kahlo divorced in November 1938.
1940: Second wedding on December 8, 1940.
1954: Marriage ended when Frida died.
Frida and Diego did not have any children.
Rita Rubin: "[Frida] suffered numerous miscarriages and underwent at least three therapeutic abortions .. Kahlo suffered from a rare condition called Asherman's syndrome." Source: Rita Rubin. "Doc solves mystery of Frida Kahlo's infertility." 4/22/2012.
Diego had four children from his other relationships.
- Diego Rivera aka Miguel Angel: Born in 1916. Diego died in 1918. His mother was Angelina Beloff.
- Marika Rivera: Born in 1919. Marika, a French dancer and actress, died in 2010 at the age of 90. Her mother was Marevna Vorobieff, a Russian-born painter. Diego never claimed Marika as his daughter.
- Guadalupe Rivera Marin: Her mother is Guadalupe Marin.
- Ruth Rivera: Her mother is Guadalupe Marin.
Frida and Diego lived in the Blue House in Mexico City. It is now a museum, La Casa Azul.
The couple ha separate residences at thier home in San Angel, a neighborhood of Mexico City.
"He [Juan O'Gorman] created a home made up of two concrete blocks smooth, independent of one another and linked by a narrow bridge that joins the rooftops. A block is red and represents Diego. The other is blue, representing Frida. The bridge that unites them is the bond of love between them. It also complies with the 5 points above Le Corbusier, with the house on stilts, free plants, free facades, garden terrace and elongated windows."
Source: "House-Studio Museum of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo."
Diego: Muralist, painter.
Frida: Self-portrait artist, surrealist, political activist.
Painting: Frida and Diego Rivera, 1931
Previous Marriages:
Diego had two previous marriages and one later marriage.
- Angelina Beloff: Angelina was a Russian born artist, born in 1879. Angelina and Diego were married in Paris in 1909. Their son Miguel Angel died at the age of 14 months. The marriage ended in divorce. Angelina died in 1969 at the age of 90.
- Maria Guadalupe Marin Preciado: A model and novelist, born in 1895, Guadalupe married Diego in 1922. They had two daughters. Their marriage ended in divorce in 1928. She died in 1983.
- Emma Hurtado: His art dealer. The couple was married from July 29, 1955 until his death in 1957. They were married in his artist studio.
Quotes About the Marriage of Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo:
Frida: "I suffered two grave accidents in my life. One in which a streetcar knocked me down … The other accident is Diego."
Source: Amy Stechler. "Honestly Frida."
Diego: "If I ever loved a woman, the more I loved her, the more I wanted to hurt her. Frida was only the most obvious victim of this disgusting trait."
Source: Simran Khurana. "Quotes About Being Hurt." Quotations.D106.
Frida: “Being the wife of Diego is the most marvelous thing in the world…I let him play matrimony with other women. Diego is not anybody’s husband and never will be, but he is a great comrade.” Source: Source: Diego Rivera Prints.