Category : Politics : Law & Legal & Attorney

Republicans V Democrats

Has the two party system benefited the people?From the great Republic of the Roman empire to the present day United States democracy, it is perceived that the people are heard.It is perceived that ultimately the greater good will be served.Are we truly being served by our highly revered democratic s

Ronald Reagan is Right

Why is it that every single thing government does; it does not do well? Why is it that every single mistake of any real hurt is caused by the government? Why is it that every time government screws up AGAIN, we are told that they will fix the problem? Yah right?

How to Make a Carp Banner

In Japan, tradition remains strong as the annual celebration of Boys' Day takes place throughout the land each May 5th. Koinobori (carp banners) are hung outside homes, one for each son. There's even a protocol to be observed when displaying them: the oldest boy's banner is flown on top; the younger

Eight Duties of the President

The nation's presidents on Mount Rushmorerushmore image by Ronnie Howard from Fotolia.comThe United States Constitution outlines the duties and responsibilities of the President of the United States. Specifically, Article II, Section 2 outlines the responsibilities of The Executive...

This is My Dream

As I look back on the week, the single biggest thing that stands out for me is the reaction that comes out the lecture President Obama gave the Nation Wednesday evening was the out cry from the Representative from South Carolina, Joe Wilson. As I watched this, for a brief moment I thought I was seei