Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Political Leaders Would Be Wise To Pause And Stop And Give Serious Attention To Major Issues

When Election times approach different people have very different thoughts and attitudes and outlooks.
A few months ago we were faced with a very serious General Election in the United Kingdom.
The outcome, no matter which way it went, would be exceedingly serious.
With this most crucial General Election only a few days away one man asked, "Who would Jesus vote for?" A simple straightforward answer is not easy.
A far better and more relevant question would be, "Who would Jesus have in his cabinet?" Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is Saviour and Lord and we do not vote for him, but he calls men and women to serve according to his unchanging principles.
Our nation was about to elect a Government with our nation facing perhaps the biggest crisis since the Second World War.
There are very clear biblical guidelines which might help rescue this deeply troubled nation.
"Select capable men from all the people, men who fear God, trustworthy men, who hate dishonest gain, and appoint them as officials.
" The fear of God is the beginning of knowledge, but fools, those who are morally deficient, despise wisdom and discipline.
When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.
As in Nehemiah's day, our main problem is not financial nor economic, but moral and spiritual.
Do you think that there are really many people who consider that this is the real issue? When one reads the scriptural book of Nehemiah and study how he handled the critical circumstances facing the people of his nation, his leadership brought them through successfully, irrespective of how you might gauge or evaluate success.
No prospective Prime Minister has touched that one yet.
The righteous care about justice for the poor, but the wicked have no such concern.
Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint, but blessed is he who keeps the law.
Nehemiah became quite angry when he saw what was going on and he courageously confronted those leaders who continued to be involved in injustice, corruption and immorality.
There are principles and lessons to be learned from Nehemiah's dynamic leadership if only men would pause and stop and consider and pay serious attention! What remains the most important issue of the hour? Jesus Christ answered that by challenging those around him, with this question.
"When the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" When the Election is all over and the votes counted, will there be men of faith in Jesus Christ elected to govern at Westminster? Sandy Shaw

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