Law & Legal & Attorney Politics

Medicaid Proposal in Texas

In Texas, the governor has floated the idea of opting out of the Medicaid program to save money.
He and other lawmakers want to find another way to pay for health care for the poor.
Texas is finally getting hit hard with budgetary short-falls and is looking for a way to save money.
I've been monitoring the on-line responses to the proposal through the Houston Chronicle's website.
Some people agree with the proposal and others disagree...
all adamant on both sides.
Most people ignore that the lawmakers floating the proposal also say there needs to be a plan to replace Mediciad.
Below are my paraphrases and synopsis of some of the comments.
Comments in Favor of Eliminating Medicaid
  • The system supports people coming into the country illegally.
  • The Churches should shoulder this responsibility.
  • Families should take care of themselves.
  • Personal responsibility is paramount and should be enforced.
Comments Against Eliminating Medicaid
  • Someone quoted Ebenezer Scrooge in reference to the poor needing to die so as to decrease the surplus population.
    Since this person attributed Scrooge as being head of the Tea Part organization, I'm assuming it was a sarcastic comment against the proposal.
  • Others quoted Jesus in that "the poor you would always have with you.
  • The people who support this have not had the experience of how difficult life can be...
    aging parents, sick children, mental illness and more.
  • Still others said the proposal was simply a short-sighted approach to cost shifting.
  • A civilized society cares for its poor and infirm.
Comments for Reform
  • Remove all illegal or undocumented aliens (depending upon your political persuasion) from Medicaid.
    This one is given multiple times.
    The issue of people coming into Texas illegally is a hot topic.
    There is at least one law proposed for the next legislature that is similar to the Arizona law currently in the court systems.
  • Refuse Medicaid for all unwed mothers with more than one pregnancy.
    (I'm not sure what would be done about multiple births.
  • Let families take responsibility for their own children who become pregnant.
    (This one doesn't say whether or he or she is talking about just unmarried, which I'm assuming from the context, or married children, also.
What Is a State...
What Is a Country to Do?
Every state in the union is facing budgetary shortfalls due to the recession.
I'm not aware of how many states are feeling the impact of paying for services, especially health care and education, for those who are in the country illegally...
or are undocumented.
Our country, both the government and many people individually, are spending more than they are taking in.
Excessive spending does need to stop.
Caring for the poor and indigent is the hallmark of a civilized society.
It will take a joint effort of many people from may political persuasions to find the answer to these problems.

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