Everyone wants to update him or her with latest news. News is the common and useful medium for updating. There are various types of news. And also there are different languages for expressing. Such as English News, news in Hindi, Bengali news, and other regional languages news. In India basically Hindi news are popular than other languages. Thats because Hindi is the national language in India. Thats why a large section of people read Hindi News Paper. In our country English news paper also popular. But people, who are unable to read English, can read news paper in Hindi or their regional languages newspapers. Some newspapers are also concerned to publish news on Hindi Literature to make the people well-known about the literature of this nation.
News can be based on any topic. It can be Political, social, crime, sports, science, cinema etc. In our country literatures are used in education system. It can be Bengali literature; it can be Hindi Literature and English literature also. There are different types of media, Television, News paper, Internet, Radio etc. Most of the people read daily newspapers. Some people are touched with television news. Basically youths collect news from Internet.
Internet is one of the most useful media because people can get even latest news from internet very quickly and easily. But for daily news updates Newspaper is very useful. That can be written in any languages. Such as, it can be Bengali, English, Tamil, Telegu, and Hindi News Paper. People can get any kind of information from various newspapers. Journalists are very efficient to collect news. Nowadays a tough competition held between journalists of different papers. They try to give scoop news. There are many Newspapers in the market in India out of which some are very popular. People choose newspapers according to their choice. While some people like to choose the newspapers that are enriched with sports, some other are more concerned about political news.
Except Hindi Newspaper people can get news from various magazines. There are different types of magazines in different languages and also in different discipline such as, Hindi Literature, sports, cinema, cultural, social, scientific, only for womens, general magazines etc. Due to busy schedule some people do not get time to read newspaper. In that case, people depend on other media, television, radio, Internet, etc. There are many news channels on T.V. People can choose accordingly. And the most useful things are that the Hindi news channels work for 24 hr. So people can watch the news on their free times.
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