Category : computers-hardware : Technology

Thermocouples - The Inside Out

In 1822, an Estonian physician named Thomas Seebeck discovered that the junction between two metals generates a voltage, which is a function of temperature. Thermocouples use this fact, the so-called Seebeck effect to measure the temperature. Thermocouples (TC) are based on the principle that when t

How to Add Audio to a DVD

While you erase movies to blank DVDs for watching on external DVD players, you also burna "data DVD" with audio and other media files for the purpose of transferring to another computer instead. DVD blanks generally have a lot more space available than their CD counterparts. Use the native program W

What Is a Giclee Printer?

Giclee printers are high-end inkjet printers capable of producing photographic-quality prints from a digital file. These printers originated in the 1990s, and were originally quite expensive. During the 2000s, smaller models, affordable for home users, became more readily available. These have sign

Define KVM Switch

A KVM (keyboard, video, and mouse) switch eliminates the clutter of using multiple computers, each with its own keyboard, mouse and monitor. Depending on the model, the computers can be in close proximity or remote and accessed over a network.

How to Overclock an ATI 9800 Pro

The ATI Radeon 9800 series is a powerful line of graphic cards capable of delivering high level graphics to your PC. Overclocking a graphics card increases its speed to achieve an even higher level of performance. Usually overclocking requires the use of third-party software or registry editing. AMD