- Never underestimate a simple, girl-next-door staple like the side ponytail. Take freshly washed hair and blow dry it pin straight with a paddle brush. If your hair has natural waves or curls, apply a heat protectant to protect your natural curl pattern. When you are finished blow drying, run a shine serum through your ends and work it up to your roots with your fingers. Part the hair to one side and secure the hair into a low ponytail on the opposite side of the part. Allow your long hair to cascade down your shoulder.
- This style is simple if you have to multitask to get ready to go out. Take unwashed hair and spray it with water from a spray bottle to make it slightly damp. Separate the hair into two halves, a left half and a right half. Braid each half and secure the ends with an elastic. Spray a texturizing spray on the hair and wait 30 minutes. While the 30 minutes pass you can shower, get dressed and put on makeup to help pass the time. Release the hair from its braids and apply a shine spray to the hair. Your shiny waves won't encounter any frizz due to the shine serum. A headband will suffice as a suitable accessory.
- Try crimping your hair for a flashback trend gone modern. Take freshly washed hair and blow dry with a paddle brush. Once completely dry, apply a heat protectant to the hair. Crimp one-inch wide sections of hair at a time until the entire head is crimped. Spray the hair with a shine spray, and run your fingers gingerly through the crimped hair. Pull the top section of hair back from the front, secure with a large embellished clip and tease the crown of the head. This will add volume to your crimped style. Finish the look with shine spray and a thin headband.