How badly do you want to lose the extra weight? Are you ready to start eating very little food and exercising your butt off at the gym day in, and day out? If you're like me, then you're probably ready to do all that, anything just to look better, to look slimmer, to feel pretty, to walk with confidence on the street.
I know how it feels, I've been there, I know the feeling of disappointment you get when you look in the mirror, but also, I want to share with you a little known secret.
Want to know what it is? Everything you think you know about losing weight is probably wrong.
This may shock you, you may think I don't know what I'm talking about, but I want you to hear me out, because it's important, it could solve your problems.
This information is the exact reason I lost 44 pounds in just 4 months, and I didn't starve, not one single day.
The shocking truth is that there is a lot of bad information out there, primarily because of the way the media and weight loss diet and equipment companies promote their products.
You are led to believe that you need to seriously cut down on food to lose weight and to exercise till you drop.
This is a big fat lie, I and thousands of people around the world who know the truth are living proof of this.
Yes, there are several things you need to change, and some exercise is involved - but it's nothing inhuman, nothing out of the ordinary.
You need a simple plan you have to follow, several exercises on a weekly basis - like 60 minutes per week - and a positive attitude.
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