Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Snoring - Natural Therapies

In most parts of the world people are using the traditional medicine as the natural remedy for snoring.
Take for instance the Chinese medicine or rather traditional medicine incorporated certain herbs that are said to have done a great job in controlling the snorer's problems.
The Chinese traditional medicine involves the use of immature bitter orange, bromelain and coenzyme Q10.
Lets start looking at how effective is an immature bitter orange.
The bitter orange is very rich and plenty in vitamins C which is an immune booster in the body.
That same vitamin also improves appetite and also serves as an ingredient to a number of anti fungal antibacterial and other inflammatory ointments so scientifically and health wise, the bitter orange can be of great use as a home remedy to snores.
With a boosted immune system it is practically impossible for pathogen to get a pass to the body and also the already existing ones are dealt with forthwith.
The virus that cause the blockage if the nose hence resulting to snoring will not get access if the immune system sis well guarded The bitter orange has got a component that is referred to as synephrine which is the nose decongester and an antihistamine that when in the body reduces chances of nasal obstructions which is the major reason why people experience snoring.
The bromelain is also another anti inflammatory drug that is found in pineapples.
It aids in digestion and reduces the mucus in the air canal hence reducing the chances of a person making this disturbing sound when sleeping.
The coenzyme Q10 on the other hand is found in the heart, pancreas, liver, lungs and kidneys and are also antioxidant and do promote sleep when combine with bromelain and synephrine.
One should also practice healthy eating in that during dinner people should eat light foods because it is true that heavy dinner will also aggravate the situation and make it even worse.
Remember when taking bromelain one should not be on an empty stomach but this does not necessarily say it should be a heavy dinner meal One should also maintain a better sleeping position to stop putting much pressure on the nasal cavities hence preventing the blockage that will in the end this problem.
Sleeping on your side or any other position that is comfortable to you and the body is what should be done.
Having a routine exercise is another natural remedy to snores at night when sleeping.
Exercise will keep your body fit and in shape hence mucus will not block any of your noses.
Generally good habits and maintaining of the body is the remedy to snoring and so one should also get a remedy that works well, with the person because it might turn out useful in the long run

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