'I feel tired' is a common complaint that we hear very often.
But why do so many people suffer from frequent tiredness? Actually there are many different reasons for a person to feel tired.
The majority of individuals can get over tiredness by simply getting a good night's sleep.
However chronic fatigue is when you constantly feel tired.
Typical symptoms include: - Lack of energy - Daytime sleeping - Poor concentration - Difficulty making decisions - Feeling depressed - Loss of motivation Much of the time tiredness is due to a combination of factors.
The main causes can be both physical and emotional.
Being overweight or underweight can cause tiredness If you are tired you will most likely avoid physical activity.
It takes more energy for overweight individuals to perform activities and conversely an underweight individual doesn't have enough energy or muscle strength.
The end result for both body types is that they feel tired just performing everyday tasks.
Some medical conditions can cause tiredness An over active or under active thyroid can cause feelings of fatigue.
Anaemia is another possible reason for feeling tired all the time.
Individuals that suffer from insomnia do not get a good night's sleep and feel tired throughout the day.
Stress and worry are emotional causes of tiredness Feeling out of control very frequently drains people of their energy.
Stressful situations like grief, work problems and finances can also cause tiredness.
More serious mental health problems like depression can also cause fatigue.
Lifestyle is a major factor Being continually on the go, with rushed meals will affect your ability to sleep properly and cause you to feel tired most of the time.
Parents with small children who don't sleep through the night get an interrupted sleep.
Sleeping during the day can prevent you from sleeping at night.
Shift work that constantly changes can disturb your body rhythms and your natural sleep clock making you feel tired.
To overcome tiredness you need to try to improve your sleep routine.
Here are a few tips that will help: - Try not to drink caffeinated products just before going bed - Don't smoke before bed - Don't take naps during the day - Try to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day - Don't watch TV in bed before going to sleep You can also make lifestyle changes to help you sleep better.
Eating healthy food and getting regular exercise will help a lot.
Energy drinks are popular these days, but many of them contain large amounts of caffeine and should be used carefully.
Always check the label and go with the lower caffeine choice.
Finally, if you have made lifestyle changes but still feel tired then you need to consult your doctor.
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