Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Reducing Joint Pain and Inflammation

Joint pain could be anything from a sports injury to a long term illness.
To make this more manageable, steps should be taken to reduce pain and inflammation to ensure that you heal properly.
Massage Having a regular massage for the muscles around the afflicted area can help to reduce pain and increase mobility.
The reason for this being that if you muscles are relaxed then you are going to find it easier to move which will put less stress on joints.
Your muscles and joints are connected, if you free up tension in the muscles then your joints will thank you.
Bad joints can lead to bad muscle having a massage promotes circulation which can in turn promote new, healthy muscle to fix those sore bits.
Anti-inflammatory drugs Although these may not be long term solution they can help with pain.
A lot of the time light exercise can help repair muscles and joints.
However, if you are in too much pain to get out and exercise then you aren't going to get very far and you will get worse.
Seek advice from your GP before taking on any exercise with bad joints, they will instruct you as to the best course of action.
You don't want to be doing too much exercise and making your joints worse.
Creams There are various creams and rubs out there now that contain various ingredients to help reduce inflammation and pain.
These come in the forms of warming gels that help relax the muscles and therefore reduce the pressure that they are exerting on the joint.
There are also natural rubs out there that have natural healing and anti-inflammatory properties that penetrate right down in the all the layers of skin and muscle.
Diet Eating the right sorts of foods can help build lean muscle which will make you stronger and more able to exercise.
Eating fruits and vegetables with lots of colour can help reduce inflammation due to their natural properties.
They can also help to build stronger bones and fight off free radicals.
Also getting enough essential fatty acids in your diet can help to build healthy joints.
Fatty acids such as Omega 3 are essential to the body but have to be obtained through the diet.
These can be found in fish and nuts or can be taken as supplements such as Emu Oil Capsules or Cod Liver Oil.

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