Health & Medical Rheumatoid Arthritis

Natural Cure For Gout

A natural cure for gout attacks can be very effective if you know what works.
Most people today would prefer to opt for natural and homeopathic treatments over prescription medication for a wide variety of illnesses.
This article will explore some simple natural home remedies for gout that can help to alleviate your misery.
We will work on a couple of great remedies that have an effect on reducing and eliminating the uric acid build-up in the joints.
Water is a great natural cure for gout Drinking water has many wonderful health effects for the human body.
It works to keep your body hydrated and the organs working as efficiently as possible.
In the case of gout attacks, the build-up of uric acid needs to be flushed out somehow.
Water can help in this area.
Drink lots of it.
Don't worry about going to the bathroom too often - look at it as an opportunity to 'flush your system' of the uric acid.
Cherries are a great natural gout treatment Cherries (and strawberries as well) work to neutralize the uric acid build-up in the body.
You can get cherries in several forms including juice, fresh fruit as well as dried fruit.
Strawberries are mostly found in the fruit department of your supermarket.
You should try to consume 8 ounces of the fruit a couple of times a day - if you really like cherries and strawberries, there is really no harm with having too much - just have 8 ounces at a minimum.

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