The muscles in your thighs facilitate movements around your knee joint by proving a stable frame for the joint to operate in.
The knees retain their stability due to these strong muscles.
When the muscles, ligaments and tendons do not interact precisely to keep your bones in place as you move your leg, you experience knee leg pain.
The tendons that attach your muscles to the bones become inflamed as a result of constant strain during your daily activities in the course of your work life.
People with occupations that require them to bend their legs often and lift heavy objects often experience swelling and stiffness in the knee joints causing knee leg pain.
Too much body weight places pressure on the muscles, ligaments and tendons that serve as a protective mechanism for the knee joints.
The extra pressure causes wear on the spongy connective tissue at the ends of the knee joints and causes knee leg pain.
When there is uneven distribution of weight around your knee joint there is a lot of stress placed on your knees.
This can cause wear and tear on your knees and aggravate any existing problems in your knee joint.
The synovial fluid that is present in your knee joint has a lubricating effect.
When you stand the fluid forms a thin film between the surfaces of your joint.
This reduces friction and prevents direct contact between the bones in your knee.
Overuse of the knee joints and any injury to the joint or even infectious diseases can cause damage to the cartilage covering your knees, leading to knee leg pain.
Sometimes the knee joints are inflamed as a result of an infection.
This infection often reaches the joints from other sites in the body such as the skin or the respiratory tract.
The inflammation will also be accompanied by severe swelling and knee leg pain.
Your movements will be limited by this pain and muscle spasms around the joint will occur.
Treatments must immediately be started to prevent the spread of infection in the knee joint so that the basic integrity of the knee joint is not compromised with.
It is observed that knee leg pain subsides after a period of rest if it is caused by some temporary misalignment or strain in your knee joints.
Occasionally the pain recedes after being treated with a course of non steroidal anti inflammatory drugs.
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