There's no doubt that going through a breakup is rough, especially when you're the one that was dumped.
Having the one you love tell you they no longer want to be together is one of the greatest emotional pains that a person can experience.
It's like you're suddenly thrown into a state of confusion, and nothing else at the moment seems to matter because your emotions become all consuming as you deal with the grief of your loss.
There are two things that you need to realize immediately after a breakup: 1.
This does not necessarily mean that your relationship is over.
Your ex made a decision to end the relationship, but people change their minds all the time, so don't lose hope! It might comfort you to know that most breakups are only temporary.
People break up and get back together all the time; I'm sure if you think about it, you even know couples who have separated then got back together again.
Your chances of getting back together depend greatly on your ability to control your emotions.
After a breakup, you can either choose to wallow in self pity, or you can do whatever it takes to maintain a positive attitude.
Which scenario sounds better to you, getting depressed, becoming a hermit, gorging on food and gaining 10 lbs? Or spending the extra time with friends, improving yourself, and making yourself more attractive? You have total control over which path you choose, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out which one will give you the best chance of getting back together with your ex.
The path to getting back together with your ex will be challenging, so you need to have absolute control over your actions.
If you do nothing to control your inner state then you will be acting blindly by your emotions, which will only lead to trouble.
If you are able to control your emotions from the beginning, you will be able to plan your moves accordingly, and more importantly, actually follow through with your plan.
The best way to control your emotions is to control your thoughts.
You will be tempted to dwell on your ex, wonder how you could have acted differently, etc.
, but the past is the past.
You can't change what happened, but you can absolutely change how you deal with it.
By focusing on positive thoughts, you will prevent yourself from slipping into a negative emotional state.
So take charge of your own mind, and success will follow!