The Big Bang We can now trace back the expanding Universe to that point.
At least at that point it had a beginning.
In 1927 Georges Lemaitre began to see the Universe as a movie and played it back.
Playing it back it appeared to come together to a densely squeezed, incredibly hot place.
This moment exploded and over billions of years formed the Universe as we see it today.
In 1965 the first evidence of the predicted background radiation was picked up.
At first the scientists believed the noise came from pigeons nesting in the cone of the telescope.
New, bigger, better equipment proved the noise came from deep space.
The waves proved the theory of the Big Bang.
Arno Penzias and Robert Wilson together with P.
Peebles should be credited for this.
And what about God then? The fact of the Big Bang does not indicate there is no God.
One could now only imagine that God created the Universe at a time in the past , in a way he found appropriate.
The expanding Universe does not preclude a creator, but it does place a limit on when he might have carried out his job as Stephen Hawking suggested.
The theory is there and proven.
Science does not need to ask if God had an option or not.
We can argue that God could have created the Universe whenever he wanted too.
What did God do before the Big Bang? Augustine replied he was preparing Hell for people asking such questions.
The theory only brought the beginning into the real of science.
We can never forget what Galileo had to go through although he was right saying the Sun is the center of the Solar System.
The church simply denied such a possibility and commanded Galileo never again to defend such doctrine.
But Galileo was right.
We are not in the Middle Ages anymore and we should not be so blind as to ignore the scientific facts.
Genesis speaks of a beginning and science actually gave them a beginning.
Religious people and Theologians should rejoice in that.
We have detected the fireball.
Who ignited or how it was ignited is something we could make personal, religious and spiritual.
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