Society & Culture & Entertainment Religion & Spirituality

Advancements In Yoga Breathing

Advancements In Yoga Breathing

Yoga Breathing which is called Pranayama is the art of mastering the breath. Deathlessness, immortality, longevity, affluence, prosperity, quality relationships, fame, fortune, and even cosmic manifestations can all be mastered through right breathing and pranayama.

Pranayama which is the art of mastering the breath is a yogis way to becoming immortalized. By controlling the in and out breaths, continually practicing cycles of mentally attached inhalations and exhalations, while focusing on a mental meditation the mind slows, breathing slows eventually stops and the heart stops beating.

In Christianity this is known as the second death. We also know through yoga texts (Yoga Sutras of Patanjali) as well as Holy Books like the Book of Revelations (from the Holy Bible) that there are seven human body chakras.

Each chakra has to be unloosened (unloosening of the seven seals, churches, candlesticks), and consciousness or Kundalini which is metaphysical conscious energy which has to pass through each chakras moving up to the crown.

The key to right or advanced pranayma is to increase the amount of inhalation and exhalation until the breathing reaches a zenith or still state. It is this still state which is best expressed as Yoga Samadhi.

Samadhi which occurs when the mind has become single pointed on the object of meditation (in this case of this discussion counting up as high as possible during inhalation, and counting up twice as long as your inhalation during exhalation-which is the mental part or meditation of each cycle of in and out breaths), at first may be flirting with stilling the mind, breath and heart, but will eventually lead to prolonged breathlessness.

After continuing in this way in regular detached practice, the mind will begin to wholly attach to the object (counting) of meditation, and the breathing will eventually stop.

Some keys to increase the lenght and depth of Samadhi include; not eating large meals (at least 1.5 hrs before doing pranayama), not taking stimulants like coffee, tea, colas, sugar, chocolate, or even speed/cocaine, etc. The cleaner the diet, the more Asanas (yoga postures or what generally the western world thinks as Yoga), regular practice and even mindfulness meditation, mantra, and a desire to witness God all help increase the occurrence of entering and staying in Samadhi.

Look for Part 2: Breakthrough in Samadhi for more information, or watch future videos on and read ebooks on

Copyright © Dr. Andrew Greszczyszyn. 2009. For Breakthrough ebooks, Seminars, Blogs, Insights, and Videos on Manifesting, Abundance, Metaphysics and Spirituality Go to and Sign Up for Free Abundant Newsletters.

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