I truly believe that perfect health is at all of our cores.
It might look slightly different for each person, but it is attainable.
Perfect health is not a matter of eliminating symptoms, it is a matter of creating the feeling of wellness.
So how do you get better health? 1.
Believe in better health! I'm a big advocate of the power of beliefs and how they shape our physical reality.
Studies on drugs, like depression medication, show that around 50% of the efficacy of the drug is based purely on whether or not you believe it will work.
Think about that - half of the reason most drugs work is because you think they will! Use this amazing power of your mind to create perfect health.
Catch yourself when you say things like "Oh no, I can feel a cold coming on" or "I get a flu every year at this time", or even "I shouldn't have eaten that - it's bad for me".
These are all beliefs.
They don't have to be true unless you decide they are.
*tip: if you have stubborn health beliefs that won't budge, try NLP.
Exercise, exercise, exercise! For years, I had always heard this, I "knew" this, and yet I didn't DO this.
And yet, 30 minutes of moderate activity a day decreases your risk of ALL diseases by 50%! Not to mention the clarity of thought exercise imparts, the energy, the reduced pain and the SEXIER body! So I encourage you to exercise.
In fact, I plead with you to exercise.
For the last 2 months, I have been doing 30 minutes of exercise every day and I cannot believe how it has affected EVERY aspect of my life.
Things are starting to happen with more ease in business, I have more energy, a more balanced mood and I just feel better.
So try it - what do you have to lose (besides your winter weight!) *tip: do an online search for 'Calorie Calculators' to find out how many calories you are burning doing various activities.
Be grateful! Did you know that if you spend just 5 minutes a day in appreciation and gratitude, you can lower your cortisol levels (which, when high, cause weight gain in the mid-section, aging, and can damage your heart and cause ulcers) and boost your immune system for up to TEN HOURS?! Gratitude, believe it or not, not only shifts you into a positive frame of mind, but also promotes healing and reduces your chances of getting sick! So, if you want to halt the aging process, reduce stress and its harmful effects on your body and boost your immune system and brain function for the rest of the day, spend 5 minutes a day being grateful! *tip: check out The HeartMath Solution by: Doc Childre & Deborah Rozman for more information on how appreciation affects your health.
Get enough sleep! I was reading, of all things, Glamour magazine the other day, and it had a 10-week study where the only factor that participants changed in their life was getting 7.
5 hours (not more, not less) of sleep every night.
Amazingly, with this being the only factor that was changed, they lost up to 15 pounds just from sleeping more! Since the average North American sleeps only 6 hours a night, lack of sleep may be partially responsible for not only our weight epidemic, but also the increase in degenerative diseases.
Sleep is important in regulating certain hormones, including insulin balance, which is critical for weight management and the overall health of the body.
So make sure you are getting enough sleep - it may mean the difference between getting into your "skinny jeans" or not! *tip: if sleep deprivation has been an ongoing issue for you, I recommend you try reflexology to get your hormones back in balance.
Of course, there are many other things that are important for a healthy life, including a good diet and seeking professional assistance and guidance from a qualified health practitioner.
But if you make even these 4 changes in your life, your health will greatly thank you!
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