Health & Medical Mental Health

Asking the Universe For Abundance With Pray-and-Tap

I remember making some friends at a church I attended for a while.
The wife's eyes glazed over as she said she had prayed for a piano that she dearly wanted and God answered her prayers when a friend moved house and gave them their piano.
I stopped going to church as a result.
I was appalled.
I thought of all the starving people in the world who pray to God each day that they may eat.
It did not make sense that God would answer the Piano Lady's prayers while leaving a poor starving child to die.
I thought Piano Lady was just plain crazy to think her prayer had anything to do with her piano or that God answered her prayer.
Moving on in time...
Twice just recently, I have prayed and tapped for solutions of very challenging circumstances, and the solutions came.
I am now an energy healer and practice EFT and other energy healing modalities every day.
Pray-and-tap is a great combination.
And you don't have to believe in God or the Universe or anything like that.
If you want something enough, say a prayer asking for it as you tap continuously on all your usual EFT points.
It really is that simple.
And it also is more complex that just that.
Let me illustrate.
The starving child needed opportunity.
Without an opportunity to obtain food, no amount of prayer would work.
Piano Lady had opportunity.
When she prayed, it opened her energy up to receive this opportunity.
So when her friend announced they were moving house, it was a natural progression from there that they talked about the piano and the friend decided to give it to her.
That opportunity could have been a different one.
Already open to offers of a piano, Piano Lady probably told all her friends of her dream, looked in the small ads in the paper, and generally was totally open to all the opportunities around her.
Had her enrgy been closed to looking out for opportunities, she would hve probably missed them all.
She would not have told all and sundry about her dream of owning a piano, how much she loved and missed playing it, and when her friend announced they were moving, she would have just felt sorry for herself having no piano and quickly changed the subject and missed out.
So, you need opportunity and you need to be open to recognizing that opportunity and grabbing it when it comes.
Most of luckily are in situations where there is more opportunity than we realize.
All it takes then is a regular pray-and-tap.
If you normally enjoy tapping or prayer, now you can combine them both, with astounding results.
Enjoy your tapping and enjoy your journey of abundance.

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