Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Make a Guy Fall in Love - Need a Fairy Godmother to Cast a Spell?

Do you have the ability to make a guy fall in love with you or even perhaps cause him to want to follow you off into the sunset? Would you like to have a fairy godmother that would give you a secret potion that you could use that would make your special man fall deeply in love with you with just a couple of drops? If that would happen, then how would you handle this new love relationship that has been ignited with passion with your magic potion? If you want to make a guy fall in love with you, then you definitely want to read our tips for keeping him under your spell.
Number 1: Knowing what you are up against! Unfortunately, the majority of most men have been programmed on how to deal and react to women in a social manner.
Sex, on the other hand, is a totally different subject.
In all reality, it is basically about a physical bonding for men, but for the majority of women it is much more, which is love.
Why is that? Most men are not all that comfortable when approached with the four letter word of l-o-v-e, because they do not see it manly enough.
Of course, they will not think like this forever and once they have met the right women, then their feelings toward this will make a 360 as he realizes he was totally wrong.
Until then, you are just going to have sit back and try to be as patient as you can be.
That may mean quite a few heart aches in the long run as you wait for the right guy to come along and make a guy fall in love with you.
Just do not get too occupied in this and let it overwhelm you.
Your top priority should most definitely be creating some type of emotional bonding with this man whether it be acquaintance or friend.
Try to make sure you talk to him on a regular basis and learn to listen to him as you ask him how his day has been.
Remember, there is not a man alive that does not enjoy talking about themselves.
When he is talking be sure to never judge him or criticize something that he has done or said during his day.
Learn to laugh and joke with him as a friend would do, no matter how you feel about what might have happened.
Remember, you both are just getting to know one another and you have to learn to take him as he is and not change him into what you want if you want to make a guy fall in love with you.
Of course, by no means does this mean that you should ever compromise any of your own beliefs.
It only means that you should not force your beliefs onto him.
I am sure you have heard that the fastest way to a man's heart is through their stomach, but the truth is that the fastest way is into their heart is by simply being their friend.
Number 2: Give yourself some quality time while giving him space at the same time.
Learning how to do things by yourself sometimes will actually make him appreciate you more, and it will also allow him time to miss you a bit more.
This will keep you from constantly smother him as well as give you some time to spend with your own friends besides just him, which will help the bond you have with one another grow.
Number 3: Be sure to schedule time alone with your man at least twice a month.
Every now and then it is truly nice to forget about everything around you and shut out the outside world and just enjoy one another, which is why it is so important to set aside two nights a month to spend with each other.
You should not set this time aside for the two of you to have sex, but instead to do something really special with one another such as a movie and dinner.
You want to make these nights memorable for the both of you, and leave not being able to wait till your next date night.
If you follow these three tips, then I am sure you will soon see a change in his mood and attitude.
In fact, he will soon begin to follow you around like a little lost puppy and be more than eager to have you as part of his daily life.
You will soon find no problem being able to make a guy fall in love with you.

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