Technology Networking & Internet

Best 5 Web Hosting Companies of 2014

Provided below is a list of the best web hosting companies on the web. These web hosting companies have been selected by well know webmasters who have been transacting with various web hosting companies on the internet. The reviews provided here will assist other webmasters who want to select a suitable hosting company to host their websites. The review is based according to reliability, uptime, traffic and disk space, cost of the web hosting provider, customer support quality and effectiveness. So provided below are the best 10 highly rated web hosting companies arranged according to overall ratings and a brief introduction of each.

1. ipage
ipage is another highly rated web hosting company on the internet. This is a company that has been in business since 1998 and is currently hosting more than a million websites. ipage is good for those new to web hosting and also experienced webmasters. You can use ipage to host your personal or business website due to the many features they provide at a very cheap rate. They are very reliable as they operate 99.9 percent of the time. Using your one account you can host as many websites as you want. They offer unlimited bandwidth to your website and unlimited storage space for your website pages and files. They offer multimedia support such as Real Audio and Video support. They provide lots of online selling tools for those who want to create a business website such as osCommerce shopping cart, Agora shopping cart, paypal integration and many others. They take great care of their customers by providing 24/7 phone, chat and email support. All these features and many others are provided at a very cheap rate of just $3.50 per Month. Incase you are not satisfied with their services they will provide an Anytime money back guarantee.

2. Hostgator
Hostgator is another highly rated web hosting company on the internet. This is a company that has been in business since 2002 and is currently hosting more than 3 million websites worldwide. Hostgator is very outstanding when compared to lots of hosting companies due to the great hosting features provided. They will provide unlimited traffic to your website and you can host as many webpages as you want including videos and audio files. You can use Hostgator to host your wordpress, Drupal and Joomla website. They have a free drag and drop site building tool that you can use to build your website in less than an hour. Hostgator provide linux web hosting which is fast and very reliable. If you want to build your PHP and MYSQL database website then Hostgator is the perfect choice. Hostgator provides lots of eCommerce features good for those who want to host their business website such as zen cart, OS Commerce, Cube cart. With Hostgator you can host multiple domains using just one account. Hostgator will even provide to you a Toll-free phone number that you can place on your website for customers to call you incase of any question. Hostgator provides all these features and lots of other feature at a very low fee of $4,95 per Month. They even offer a 45 day money back guarantee incase you are not satisfied with their services.

3. ipower
ipower is another top web hosting company that cannot be left out on the list of the best 10 hosts. ipower provides affordable web hosting services to small and medium size businesses. This is a company that was created in 2001 and is currently hosting more than a million domains. Some nice features provided by ipower are unlimited disk space for web pages storage and unlimited traffic to your website. You can host multiple websites using just one account. ipower support international domains such,.us,.dk,.ng,.ge and more. They also provide a free tool that you can use to build your web pages. They also have some nice tools for those who want to create eCommerce websites such as OS commerce shopping cart, Agoracart and more. ipower provides 25 MYSQL databases and support PHP. ipower will even provide $100 free credits to you so that you can market your website using Google AdWords and yahoo search marketing. They offer 24/7 email, phone and chat support. ipower offer all these features and lots of other great features at a very cheap price of just $3.95 per Month. Click the link below to see all the features provided by ipower

4. webhostingpad
Another highly rated and very affordable web hosting company on the web is webhostingpad. This is a web hosting company that is very affordable and very successful due to the numerous awards they have won. webhostingpad offer lots of nice features such as unlimited storage space for your websites and unlimited traffic to your website. Once you create an account with webhostingpad they will provide to you 1 free domain name and you can host as many domains as you want using this one account. They offer a free website building tool that you can use to create your website in minutes. If you want to host your PHP-MYSQL website then webhostingpad is the perfect choice as they provide unlimited MYSQL databases. This hosting company is very reliable as they operate 99.9 percent of the time and they offer 24/7 email, chat and phone support. They will even provide to you a free $50 Google credit that you can use to promote your website using Google AdWords. All these features and many others are provided by webhostingpad at a very cheap rate of $1.99 per Month. Click the link below to see all the features provided by webhostingpad

5. 1&1 web hosting
1&1 is another highly rated web hosting company on the internet due to their ability to provide both linux and windows web hosting services. 1&1 provide from 10GB web space for beginners to 250GB web space for businesses. Using this space you can host as many web pages as you want and even host both video and audio files. You'll also be provided with an unlimited Monthly traffic to your website. You can host unlimited websites with just your one account. It is the choice for those who want to host ASP, ASP.NET website. Using their linux hosting package you can host your PHP-MYSQL website. What makes 1&1 very outstanding is due to the many features that they provide at a very cheap rate. For just $0.99 per Month they will provide to you about 100GB of storage space and more than sufficient traffic to your website. If you need unlimited storage space and traffic then you will need to pay $5.99 every Month. They have a site building tool that you can use to build your website for free. They offer good customer care by providing 24/7 email and phone support and offer a 30-day money back quarantee incase you are not satisfied with their services with their services. Click the link below to see all the features provided by 1&1 web hosting.

best web hosting sites []

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