- 1). Click on the "Start" button in the bottom left corner of your computer screen.
- 2). Click "Run" in the Start Menu when it appears.
- 3). Type "regedit" in the Run dialog box, and then click "OK."
- 4). Click the plus sign next to "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE" in the left pane of the Registry Editor Window that appears. That will expand this folder.
- 5). Navigate to the "WindowsUpdate" folder. Begin by clicking the plus sign next to "Software," then the plus sign next to "Policies." Scroll down in the window's left pane if necessary and continue clicking the plus signs next to "Microsoft," "Windows" and then "WindowsUpdate."
- 6). Click on the "AU" folder item. This will show the contents of this folder in the right pane of the registry editor.
- 7). Disable automatic restart. To do this, double-click on "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers." Type "0" into the box that appears, and then click "OK." If you do not see "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers," right-click on the empty space in the right pane of the window, hover over "New," and then click "DWORD Value." Type "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers" to replace the text "New Value #1," and hit "Enter." Double-click on "NoAutoRebootWithLoggedOnUsers," type "0" into the box that appears, and then click "OK."
- 8). Reboot the computer. Click the "Start" button in the bottom left corner, click "Shut Down" in the Start Menu when it comes up, and then click "Restart" in the Shut Down menu. This required restart activates the new registry settings.